Tuesday, May 20, 2008

This is the last week of percussion practice after school. I'm kind of glad though. Our drum tec, N.C, is driving me crazy! He will tell us that Acents aren't as important as taps and then the next second he'll tell us to fix our Acents and how they aren't perfect!!! Ahh! But I'm still excited about making Alta's Tenar Line.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


Two weekends ago It was the Percussion Ensemble Championships. We tried really hard and did our best but we got 3rd. Clark got second. And Kastner got 1st. I was sooo disapointed! And on top of that we got 8th and 7th for Concert Percussion! But this week (Wednesday) I made the Tenor Line for next year1 I'm sooo excited!